Mot rasism

Igår var det ”The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination”, enligt FN-organisationen Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)

De gjorde nedanstående bild:

Från OHCHR’s hemsida:

The objectives of the Day

For the International Day for the Elimination of Racial discrimination in 2006, the primary objectives of marking the day are to:

* Encourage interaction and cross-fertilization of cultures and civilizations through education and awareness-raising, with a view to promoting mutual respect, diversity and tolerance;
* Increase the level of public awareness and understanding of everyday racist attitudes or behaviours which, even if not openly aggressive or violent, do humiliate and hurt, convey disregard, disrespect and marginality and can be provocative. They also affect the quality of life of people, their attitude towards themselves and the attitudes of those around them;
* Foster the importance of dialogue and mutual understanding among people as being essential for wiping out everyday racism, for promoting mutual understanding, tolerance and peace;
* Encourage the full and active participation of all stakeholders in the elaboration, planning and implementation of anti-discrimination activities with a view to generating a sense of involvement and ownership in the anti-discrimination struggle in order to contribute to progressive change within their own communities and the world at large.”

[Funnet via Naseer]

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