The Motorcycle Personality Test

Kul test! 🙂 Just nu sitter en person bredvid mig och asgarvar åt frågorna!

Yamaha YZF R1
You scored 6 moxie, 6 zeal, and 0 pomp!
You’re addicted to speed, but have the knowledge and experience to match. Although you like to win, you don’t really care so much about competing with others as much as competing with yourself.

Your bike is the Yamaha YZF R1. Given how easily the rear wheel on this beast spins up coming out of turns, it is fortunate that you constantly work to improve your skills. (I’ve seen more R1s crash at track days than any other bike.)

It was a close decision with the Suzuki GSXR1000, but your personality seemed a bit more R1-ish. (But hey, I could be wrong. Its only a silly test.)

My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

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You scored higher than 75% on moxie
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You scored higher than 66% on zeal
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You scored higher than 30% on pomp

Link: The Motorcycle Personality Test written by iocaine on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the 32-Type Dating Test
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